Monday, December 14, 2009

what do I want?

I think the hardest part of wedding planning is just deciding what the heck I want out of something. Right now I'm back into looking at wedding cake stuff....trying to decide what I want and what would look good, and what can they do with buttercream (cause even though fondant looks neat, I've heard it doesn't taste all that great...and I think its more expensive?). On one hand I'd love to have a crazy cake like they have on the show Ace of Cakes (if the cost wasn't so understandably astronomical) but on the other, sometimes a simple cake sounds best.

I've been perusing flickr for good stuff. Here is one neat cake with birch bark and another with piped on ferns and fondant mushrooms. Minus the marzipan lemons, this one is a nice design. I should say, the lemons are pretty freaking sweet looking...just would have nothing to do with my theme or interests! is one I love, but I'm fairly sure its fondant...but its a cute birch bark tree!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Woohoo! They're done. Well..there is one more that is in progress but all I've got left is an arm and a tail and its super cute. But these guys were all done and I couldn't wait until all the final animal was done to get pictures! Just on the off chance that any of the kidlets these are going to ever check my blog (doubtful but you never know) I'm not saying which one goes to who. Not until after this weekend when they get them!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Spinning "Exotic" Fibers

Some people think its so strange or even macabre to spin with fur from your own pets. I don't get what the big deal is. We make yarn from sheep, llama, alpaca, goats....but also things like rabbits. Last I knew, those can often be pets (so can the big animals if you choose to..but smaller animals are more common, I understand that)

Its not like I'm shaving my dog bald to get her fur. All I'm doing is brushing her and saving the fur that comes off the brush.

Well, whether people think its weird or not, I'm saving Moxi's lovely golden fur to spin. I was originally going to send it away to have someone spin it for me, but there is a woman in my area who will be offering a class in March for this for fairly I figure why not? I want to learn how to get better on a spinning wheel anyway. I don't know that I'll ever buy a wheel and use it regularly but its a skill that is dying out and I want to learn more.

Depending on how much yarn I get out of it, I have two plans at least for the finished product: a stuffed dog (like the one is this post ) and maybe a rose or something ornamental.

Frankly I'm pretty excited that I finally have enough fur collected to do anything with it. About half a paper grocery bag. I'd have tons more if the fur she sheds onto the floor was viable, but of course that's not! I swear, I'd probably have her weight in fur by now of all she has shed!

Almost Done...sorta

I keep feeling like I'm almost done with all the critters for Christmas...but then I think about it and I still have a good 5 hours left of work, just on the main 6 (which actually got expanded to 7) I have one Knitter Critter 100% done and photographed. 5 are just missing arms. Due to the expanding to a 7th, that's an extra 5 or so hours on top of the time it will take to do the arms for the others.

Well, at least the 2nd pair of socks is getting close. I just turned the heel last night! It will be done in plenty of time. Yay for that.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Christmas Knitting

No matter how early I start, I think I always end up running out of time for all my Christmas knitting. Two years ago I had to give my SIL only one sock because I hadn't finished the second one. Last year I had to give my mom only one of her washcloths because I hadn't finished hers (I made some for all the women in the family.....they may be simple projects and my family isn't huge...but it was a lot of work)

But anyway, I think I've made a good start. One pair of socks is done. Another is in progress and will go quicker since they are a shorter pair and I'm doing them in only stockinette stitch...that makes them go lots faster!

And as I mentioned before, I'm making lots of jellybums. At least 6 minimum. Maybe another 3 or 4 depending on time constraints. Unfortunately I still haven't gotten word on favorite colors and animals from a couple of the kids and I don't want to duplicate anything...color or animal if I can help it. So...I figure since the style of legs is the exact same on all the animals, I'm just going to start making legs in all the different colors I have and when I figure out and make the critters that need them, they'll be ready!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Crafting Update

I know...I don't update this all that often. Anyway, just updating on what's going on in my crafting world. Main priority for a while was projects for the Odd Ducks Swaps I was in...did a flying monkey for my Oz swap. Can't reveal the other just yet since she hasn't recieved it yet.

Getting going on my Christmas knitting....again, can't reveal too much yet cause I don't know who reads this....although I am making Jellybums for a lot of the kids...should be fun.

My crayons have gotten a recent coworkers at my new job love them....some they are buying for themselves. Some are buying them for nieces, nephews, friends, etc. Its pretty sweet. One person alone nearly wiped out my supply of larger crayons! I need to get cracking....or peeling first I  guess :) Although, I have set my coworkers to that task when things are slow....some of them find it relaxing :)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Knitter Critters!

Thanks to everyone who participated in helping me name my stuffed animals. The win goes to The Mad Tatter with the the suggestion of Knitter Critters. It just rolls off the tongue and I've been using it in my head for a few days. Knitter Critter news, I've just purchased three more patterns from Jellybum....a beaver, a mouse and a goat! I'm very excited to try them out. Which reminds me, I still owe my gramma a raccoon now that I've figured out how to do the face properly. Must get on that soon.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Apparently I'm back on a stuffed animal kick

When I first started knitting the Jellybums critters (for which I'm trying to find my own name for right now...thanks for everyone who has posted suggestions) I went on a bit of a rampage making them and ended up burning out on making small things for a few months. Finally after making two shawls, a sweater, a a hat and some other odds and ends I am finally back in little knit mode. My mom requested three for the babies of co-workers (I did twin monkeys for the twins, blue and pink and I'm working on another pink monkey) I must have started the pieces of a moose before I went down in flames, so all he has left is I think the arms and one leg.

I don't remember when I would have told my cousins kids about the stuffed animals but I must have because all the girls have asked for one for Christmas. I'll knit ones for the boys too so they aren't left out. Just have to figure out the colors and critters. Trying not to duplicate for anyone!  I'm making some for a few other Christmas gifts as well..can't name names just in case. I've got my work cut out for me.

Just have to keep other bigger projects on the side for when I want to do "extreme knitting" the little stuff requires too much attention and just doesn't show up on camera quite so well!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Here's the deal. Not everything I make has some part of it that is recycled, repurposed or reused. Some things are just fun knitted things. Mostly stuffed animals. I want a good name for when I sell those (ie Made by Second Chance Creations and *blank* or something like that)

This will run until the end of this month unless I find the perfect name before then. Whoever submits the winning name will recieve one of my knitted critters like this gal

Monday, August 24, 2009

"Extreme" Knitting...aka, knitting in unusual locations

Let me preface this by saying: I knit a lot. I knit everywhere. So far the only places truly off limits for me are weddings and funerals. Although I think if someone gave me the go ahead...I'd do it. I do intend to knit at least once on my wedding day, if for nothing other than a photo op :)

I've knit in dentist chairs while being worked on, in restaurants, bars, my bathroom, at the movies, buses, and in countless other places.

Where I live, most of the people have gotten used to seeing me knitting at the bar. But I think it throws the tourists for a loop. On one occasion I know I was photographed (under the pretense of taking a picture of her know "I gotta get a picture of this cause its so funny but I don't dare just take a I'll take a picture of you with *fill in the blank* in the background). Maybe it truly was just a picture of her friend...but the amount they were looking, giggling and not-quite pointing...I'm pretty sure I was the object of the photo.

To make a long story short, it gave me an idea. I started carrying it out then but gave up for a while until renewing it yesterday. I want to get pictures taken of me knitting in as many unusual places as possible. "Extreme knitting" if you follow with the concept of "extreme ironing"

I posted this on Ravelry to get suggestions for future pictures and have been getting great ideas. One person is even facilitating their idea by sending me waterproof yarn so I can knit underwater, and glow-in-the dark yarn so I can knit in the dark. I'm so excited to try them both!

Future pictures to watch for: next May you will see pictures of my knitting on my wedding day (if only long enough for the pictures). Around Halloween expect some knitting goodness in costume. Perhaps even this weekend, mayhaps I'll knit at the Renaissance Festival.. goes the current photos.

If you have pictures of your own, please post to

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Wedding stuff

Haven't really been posting lately. Been kinda just letting things lapse with the etsy shop for the time being. I've got too many other things on my mind right now...primarily wedding stuff of course.

Thankfully we have lots of friends and family between the two of us who are able to step up and help us out so much! We've already secured our place, minister, caterer, beverage people, florist and photographer.

I've pretty much decided on my favors...its just making them and making it all look good. I'm doing recycled crayons. And just now I latched on the idea of chocolate rocks as a way to connect our love of living so near Lake Superior.

Monday, May 25, 2009

I'm engaged!

Since I don't want to retype the story yet again, I'm going to give you a link to what my fiance and I wrote for our page on The Knot

If you're not feeling like going to the link...what it boils down to is that even though I had a little knowledge that he had been looking at rings, he still caught me off guard in his proposal and I loved it. It was very cute and memorable :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Boo for headaches. I have had them as long as I can remember...going back as far as early elementary school. I've had lots of things checked out and tried lots of different things but nothing seems to work. Or if it does, it doesn't work for long. It might be easier to get help if I only had one type of headache. But I don't.

I get migraines occasionally, headaches caused by clenching my teeth at night, tension headaches, stress headaches, headaches from too much sugar or motion (aka my "sick" headaches), cluster headaches....

Trying a new medication but it doesn't seem to do much at all. Went to a chiropractor for a while but seeing as insurance didn't cover it at the time and like everything else, it stopped working...I had to give it up.

Now though, I have better insurance so I am going to try out physical therapy. I've been told by my current doctor that this person has had a lot of success helping people with headaches so I'm crossing my fingers that she will be able to help me help myself.

The reason I say it that way is because I am certain that at least a percentage of my headaches are caused by something that I am either doing (and shouldn't be) or that I am not doing (and should).

I've reached a point where I don't know if I should even bother taking ibuprofen or other otc pain medications because they really don't seem to help 99% of the time. Getting neck/head rubs helps but I can't always get those when I need them even with my absolutely fabulous boyfriend being willing to help me out.

They have gotten to the point where its seriously affecting my life. I have to plan around headaches or take them into account when I want to do something. I've learned to just power through them most of the time but that only works for things like my job...its harder to keep going when its something fun because I get cranky and miserable.

Here's to hoping that PT will help me out! First two sessions this week--Thursday and Friday.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Seriously too cute!

Raynor of Jelly Bums is constantly outdoing herself! If you didn't know, that's the person who designs the patterns of the super cute animals I have been knitting and sharing on here. She occasionally does free patterns and this one just takes the cake! Seriously...its a dino suit for the stuffed animals. Can it get any cuter? If you have suggestions for other outfits, why don't you let her know on her blog. My personal suggestions are akin to the patterns I have seen for Sheldon the Turtle- pirate, cowboy, superhero....the ideas are endless!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Presenting: Eloise the Elephant

I am not listing Eloise tonight because I need better lighting but I was so excited to finish her that I at least wanted to post some sort of picture. So here she is!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Some more of the Coming Soon....

I just finished a recycled yarn dog (same yarn used for Odette) and I am currently working on a purple elephant. I think after Eloise the Elephant is done, I want to try a penguin. Sorry, just normal colored for the first one though.


I know I live in Minnesota....specifically really far northern Minnesota. That's not good enough reason to be getting snow flurries on the 16th of May! I think this is the latest I've ever personally seen snow in the air. But then, I'm not originally from northern MN. I spent most of my life central and southern. But seriously...May and snow? NOT COOL! there was a community rummage sale....I found some old worsted weight wool yarn 4 or 5 skeins for $2 and some Bernat Softee Baby yarn along with other stuff for another $2. So I was thrilled with that. Love finding yarn for cheap!

Also bought a cool book on doing miniatures. Not in knitting, but still. I'm fascinated by miniature stuff.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

For my next moose...

First moose was normal colors with purple eyes, one I'm currently working on is normal with green eyes....but I want to do a moose of a different color. You've seen some of the yarns I have. What color combo should I do: dk pink/lt pink, dk blue/lt blue, dk green/lt green or some color combo that is not a dark and light of the same color?

I guess I don't have any real incentive for you to post right now, but if I choose your color combo...we can work out something :)

Coming soon...

I'm currently working on a dog made with the same reclaimed sweater yarn as Odette Octopus. I have everything except the arms done (my least favorite part since they're so frigging fiddly)

Additionally I'm working on a green animal...I haven't decided what it will be...the body for most of the animals is the same so I have lots of choices. I'm thinking another dog but maybe a monkey? Or maybe a green moose? What do you think I should do. I also have patterns for a lot of other animals as well.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I'm an alternate for a Treasury!

I have yet to be featured in a Treasury (at least to my knowledge)...but for the second time, I am an alternate in one! I'm almost as excited for that as anything.

For the longest time I had no idea how to even find out if I was in one or not. And then I didn't know any way without scouring the lists looking for the star indicating you were in it...and then I heard about Craft Cult and Craftopolis. If you're just looking for Treasuries that you are featured in, Craft Cult will do the trick...and it also lets you know how many people have favorited your shop (and who) and how many have favorited what items. Craftopolis is mostly for dealing with Treasuries, which is why I forget to go there...but it lets you know if you are an alternate in someone's Treasury which I think is neat.

I'd really love to create a Treasury or two of my own but I just don't seem to be on the computer at the right times. But I can tell you what I'd probably have the theme as....something along the lines of repurposed/recycled stuff..since that's what I do when I'm not knitting (well, even sometimes when I am!) I'd probably feature something by itsourearth, zJayne, delightfuldeceits, JeansAndaSweater, ElephunksTrunk or one of the myriad other shops that have really cool repurposed/upcycled stuff that I am totally envious of!

Monday, May 11, 2009

More new critters!

Finished the moose this morning but he still needs a name, as does the blue monkey (also finished this morning. Any suggestions?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

What's new

Thanks to Raynor Gellatly of Jelly Bums I now have a super cute moose pattern. He's mostly done...just needs a tail, and one more ear and arm.

I'm almost done with a monkey the same color as Duke the Dog ...should be up at least on here in a day or two.

I finally got my hippo commissions finished,

as well a Daisy Dog to join Duke!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Recycling Sweaters

I went to the other thrift store today to see if I could find any unravelable sweaters (is that a word? unravelable?)....and I found three! So yay for means that more of my stuffed critters can be repurposed yarn from sweaters. This website has the info that I used to figure out how to do this, and which sweaters are actually worth attempting it on. Its cost me $1 per for $3 I have loads and loads of yarn either for stuffed animals (with the unknittable scraps being great for stuffing) or for whatever other things I can think of. yay!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

International Shipping!

I'm getting all my shipping costs all worked out. Sadly, I had been guessing before at best. I have had my scale for a month or so and just haven't gotten around to weighing everything and looking up shipping costs. But I'm doing it now and I think almost everything has international shipping now. Not everything...but its getting there. Yay!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I love thrift stores!

You can almost always find great stuff at thrift stores, at least if you have time and patience. Sometimes you find nothing, but other times you just hit it big. For all that my town is small and fairly remote, we have two fairly good thrift stores. The smaller of the two, I mostly check in once in a while to see if there is any yarn. Twice now I've gotten some pretty decent hauls. This last time (yesterday) I got some stuff by Cascade Yarns, three skeins DK weight for $3 (and their price tags originally were $4.95 a piece!) and three small mystery remnant balls that will work great either for my repurposed stuffed animals or maybe some doll clothes.

I just get to feel great when I rescue things from thrift stores and garage sales...take them from non-use and make them into something (hopefully) cool and loved.
The other, bigger thrift store, they have a $3 bag day every Friday (whatever you can fit in a paper bag for $3....dang good deal, let me tell you) And it is where I get fabric remnants to be made into reusable gift bags and the like. I also can dig in the boxes in the back (things to be thrown out) and take whatever I want for free. Some of it is in perfect or near perfect condition! Its just that they are so overloaded with stuff they can't sell it all (who buys regular cotton tshirts at thrift stores? we all have too many already!) and we're not in a location where its viable to ship extra stuff to 3rd world countries or whatever.
I get tshirts for my rugs and purses, tank tops for bags, sometimes more fabric bag there....occasionally some ribbons or lacy stuff to add to my bags. Its just really fun seeing what I can find in 20-30 minutes of digging around. I've walked out with multiple large bags before.
Oh yeah...then there is the fun of hunting for sweaters that I can unravel for yarn (only ones with the right seams work)--cause even if I pay full price for the sweater (I think its $1, maybe $2) that's still a great deal for the yarn. Sure, I've got to do some work to get it...but still! Odette Octopus is one of the critters made from a sweater yarn, I also have a hippo and a spider...with lots and lots more yarn to go! I may get sick of the color before I run out of yarn!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The long awaited dog

Its not done yet...if you look you'll notice its missing an arm. But since I was talking about it I wanted to post a picture anyway. Haven't settled on a name just yet but I am leaning towards the suggestion of Duke.

Newest Critter

So...I was messing around with some partially made stuffed animals (just the body with legs). I had two of them and was being goofy. I randomly stuck some eyes on it and thought, hey...add some arms and it would be a little alien critter or something.

Haven't done that, but Nathan (my boyfriend) suggested doing an octopus, here she is...Odette Octopus (made with yarn from an unravelled sweater)

Help! I'm having a color/pattern block

What I mean by that is I have been trying to do another rug.....I've got enough loops for 4 or 5 rugs....I've picked out colors that look good together. I start making a rug but I'm having a total block on the patterns. Anything I try to do just doesn't look good to me.

Here are a few that I've done. What I'd like to know, do you think I should do one with the warp (long way) all black, all white, mostly white with some black, or a color pattern. I love the way the ones with white and black turned out..but unfortunately I've used up almost all of the really bright shirts. (Did I mention these rugs are made from tshirts?). For that matter, I've used up most of my black and my white....I'd have to go see if the thrift store has more that are getting tossed out. I do have lots of navy blue. Lots of red I think too. Thought about maybe combining that but not sure.

Monday, April 27, 2009


So many people seem to have blogs related to their shops. I figured it wouldn't hurt to have one too. I did have a xanga account but really wasn't so happy with the setup of it anymore.

So here I am. For starters, if you do like my shop but wonder why I don't have much for new items....right now I'm trying to work on items that were commissioned. A friend requested four hippos for his grandkids, and my boyfriend's grandma requested as many animals as I can do to raise money for the Breast Cancer Three I'm trying to balance making things for sale with that.

That being said, I've got a dog that is almost finished, as well as some smaller spiders than what are currently available in my shop.