Monday, August 24, 2009

"Extreme" Knitting...aka, knitting in unusual locations

Let me preface this by saying: I knit a lot. I knit everywhere. So far the only places truly off limits for me are weddings and funerals. Although I think if someone gave me the go ahead...I'd do it. I do intend to knit at least once on my wedding day, if for nothing other than a photo op :)

I've knit in dentist chairs while being worked on, in restaurants, bars, my bathroom, at the movies, buses, and in countless other places.

Where I live, most of the people have gotten used to seeing me knitting at the bar. But I think it throws the tourists for a loop. On one occasion I know I was photographed (under the pretense of taking a picture of her know "I gotta get a picture of this cause its so funny but I don't dare just take a I'll take a picture of you with *fill in the blank* in the background). Maybe it truly was just a picture of her friend...but the amount they were looking, giggling and not-quite pointing...I'm pretty sure I was the object of the photo.

To make a long story short, it gave me an idea. I started carrying it out then but gave up for a while until renewing it yesterday. I want to get pictures taken of me knitting in as many unusual places as possible. "Extreme knitting" if you follow with the concept of "extreme ironing"

I posted this on Ravelry to get suggestions for future pictures and have been getting great ideas. One person is even facilitating their idea by sending me waterproof yarn so I can knit underwater, and glow-in-the dark yarn so I can knit in the dark. I'm so excited to try them both!

Future pictures to watch for: next May you will see pictures of my knitting on my wedding day (if only long enough for the pictures). Around Halloween expect some knitting goodness in costume. Perhaps even this weekend, mayhaps I'll knit at the Renaissance Festival.. goes the current photos.

If you have pictures of your own, please post to

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