Monday, December 14, 2009

what do I want?

I think the hardest part of wedding planning is just deciding what the heck I want out of something. Right now I'm back into looking at wedding cake stuff....trying to decide what I want and what would look good, and what can they do with buttercream (cause even though fondant looks neat, I've heard it doesn't taste all that great...and I think its more expensive?). On one hand I'd love to have a crazy cake like they have on the show Ace of Cakes (if the cost wasn't so understandably astronomical) but on the other, sometimes a simple cake sounds best.

I've been perusing flickr for good stuff. Here is one neat cake with birch bark and another with piped on ferns and fondant mushrooms. Minus the marzipan lemons, this one is a nice design. I should say, the lemons are pretty freaking sweet looking...just would have nothing to do with my theme or interests! is one I love, but I'm fairly sure its fondant...but its a cute birch bark tree!

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