Monday, November 16, 2009

Christmas Knitting

No matter how early I start, I think I always end up running out of time for all my Christmas knitting. Two years ago I had to give my SIL only one sock because I hadn't finished the second one. Last year I had to give my mom only one of her washcloths because I hadn't finished hers (I made some for all the women in the family.....they may be simple projects and my family isn't huge...but it was a lot of work)

But anyway, I think I've made a good start. One pair of socks is done. Another is in progress and will go quicker since they are a shorter pair and I'm doing them in only stockinette stitch...that makes them go lots faster!

And as I mentioned before, I'm making lots of jellybums. At least 6 minimum. Maybe another 3 or 4 depending on time constraints. Unfortunately I still haven't gotten word on favorite colors and animals from a couple of the kids and I don't want to duplicate anything...color or animal if I can help it. So...I figure since the style of legs is the exact same on all the animals, I'm just going to start making legs in all the different colors I have and when I figure out and make the critters that need them, they'll be ready!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Crafting Update

I know...I don't update this all that often. Anyway, just updating on what's going on in my crafting world. Main priority for a while was projects for the Odd Ducks Swaps I was in...did a flying monkey for my Oz swap. Can't reveal the other just yet since she hasn't recieved it yet.

Getting going on my Christmas knitting....again, can't reveal too much yet cause I don't know who reads this....although I am making Jellybums for a lot of the kids...should be fun.

My crayons have gotten a recent coworkers at my new job love them....some they are buying for themselves. Some are buying them for nieces, nephews, friends, etc. Its pretty sweet. One person alone nearly wiped out my supply of larger crayons! I need to get cracking....or peeling first I  guess :) Although, I have set my coworkers to that task when things are slow....some of them find it relaxing :)