Monday, April 27, 2009


So many people seem to have blogs related to their shops. I figured it wouldn't hurt to have one too. I did have a xanga account but really wasn't so happy with the setup of it anymore.

So here I am. For starters, if you do like my shop but wonder why I don't have much for new items....right now I'm trying to work on items that were commissioned. A friend requested four hippos for his grandkids, and my boyfriend's grandma requested as many animals as I can do to raise money for the Breast Cancer Three I'm trying to balance making things for sale with that.

That being said, I've got a dog that is almost finished, as well as some smaller spiders than what are currently available in my shop.


Celeste said...

Hey! Congratulations on getting all the commissions! That's really exciting too. It means people really like your work, right?

I'll keep my eye out for the dog!

Jeanne said...

Good Luck on all of your projects! The etsy store, the blog, and the commissions!