Monday, November 16, 2009

Christmas Knitting

No matter how early I start, I think I always end up running out of time for all my Christmas knitting. Two years ago I had to give my SIL only one sock because I hadn't finished the second one. Last year I had to give my mom only one of her washcloths because I hadn't finished hers (I made some for all the women in the family.....they may be simple projects and my family isn't huge...but it was a lot of work)

But anyway, I think I've made a good start. One pair of socks is done. Another is in progress and will go quicker since they are a shorter pair and I'm doing them in only stockinette stitch...that makes them go lots faster!

And as I mentioned before, I'm making lots of jellybums. At least 6 minimum. Maybe another 3 or 4 depending on time constraints. Unfortunately I still haven't gotten word on favorite colors and animals from a couple of the kids and I don't want to duplicate anything...color or animal if I can help it. So...I figure since the style of legs is the exact same on all the animals, I'm just going to start making legs in all the different colors I have and when I figure out and make the critters that need them, they'll be ready!

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