Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Help! I'm having a color/pattern block

What I mean by that is I have been trying to do another rug.....I've got enough loops for 4 or 5 rugs....I've picked out colors that look good together. I start making a rug but I'm having a total block on the patterns. Anything I try to do just doesn't look good to me.

Here are a few that I've done. What I'd like to know, do you think I should do one with the warp (long way) all black, all white, mostly white with some black, or a color pattern. I love the way the ones with white and black turned out..but unfortunately I've used up almost all of the really bright shirts. (Did I mention these rugs are made from tshirts?). For that matter, I've used up most of my black and my white....I'd have to go see if the thrift store has more that are getting tossed out. I do have lots of navy blue. Lots of red I think too. Thought about maybe combining that but not sure.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Lots of Navy with 2 shades of lighter blues shot through with whites.. and occasional thin strips of red... Cool recyling project, BTW.