Saturday, October 30, 2010

Goals Revisited

I haven't posted on here in forever so I figured its time for an updated goal list...
Re-do Sheldon's shell and send on to recipient.... Looked at this the other day and STILL not sure what to do to fix it. Might take it to Yarn Harbor and ask the lovely ladies there for some assistance

finish the sweater I started in 2007 and send to recipient... All done and given to my mother. Of course, I gave it to her in the summer so I don't think she wore it right away...but maybe by now?

have a garage sale or simply donate the stuff that needs to be gotten rid of... I have not done much of this yet...BUT I have assigned more belonging to be sold or donated, as well as corralling it all into one area instead of spread out through all belongings. Oh yeah..and I have gotten rid of at least one large bin of crafting tshirts as well.

no buying of yarn.  I succeeded for about 4 months, and then I had someone commission some baby hats and stuff so I ended up buying too much yarn as always....but that being said, I've made over $100 on that so I guess its ok.

finish at least 3 partially made things in the WIP box ... this one was particularly satisfying. Some of the "finishing" just meant weaving in ends, which I hate doing. But I've done it on the scarves and socks and other random things in my box, meaning they could progress to the gift/sale box of stuff. But additionally, I finished a partially made Knitter Critter from over a year ago..and sold it immediately and had someone commission three more! Made $65 off that endeavor!

make more gift bags and use or sell ... I have not even touched my fabric since moving in September but eventually I will hit the need to do them again and will probably whip off a lot.

 find something to make with the acrylic yarn...donate, sell or gift the FOs .... I've got one scarf made and another in progress. No reciepients yet but I love having stuff on hand for either selling or donating so its a good thing to have around. Doll clothes comes next! Its just a matter of my hands keeping up with my ambitions. Might donate some of the yarn to the people at Yarn Harbor...they let people who do charity knitting take the yarn they can use. I just have to get over the need to be a packrat and then everything will be ok!